
2024 Annual Golf Classic
Join us for the River Heights Chamber 2024 Golf Classic rescheduled on Monday, June 24, 2024!
The day will bring together Chamber members and guests for 18 holes of golf at Southview Country Club Golf Course in West St. Paul. Our sponsors help us provide a day of golf, lunch, contests and more!
Wind down after a day of golf at the 19th Hole Reception. Network with other golfers, chamber members and their guests while enjoying a buffet dinner, music and program.
9:30 am - Registrations starts
Box lunch* pick-up
*The Boxed Lunch includes a sandwich, chips, apple and cookie. The sandwich choices are Ham/Cheddar, Turkey/Swiss, Roast Beef/Pepper Jack and Vegetarian. This variety will be first come first serve. You can bring your own water or purchase your beverages from the Beverage Cart (cash only).
Cash Bar is open until shotgun start at 11:00 am
Purchase Passport and Ball Drop (see below for details - Cash purchase)
Putting green and driving range are open
10:45 am - Travel to your starting hole
11:00 am - Shotgun start - Contests at various holes, Beverage Cart (cash only) and Snack Shack (cash/credit card) available for purchases
3:30 pm - 19th Hole opens
Cash bar is open until 5:00 pm
Ball Drop - Cash purchase until 4:00 pm
Music starts - Timothy Price, Acoustic Guitar
Dinner buffet opens
4:30 pm - Awards and short program
5:00 pm - Conclusion
Event Day Games:
Passport ($40/team, available at check in, Cash) Includes entry into the Chipping Contest, Mulligans, a Prize Ball (team) and a 4 Prize Tickets.
- Mulligan A mulligan allows a player to retake one shot. A mulligan can only be used once by each of the 4 players.
- Chipping Contest Each player gets to participate in the chipping contest ($100 Prize Value)
- Prize Ball Each foursome gets one colored ball. The colored ball rotates among players each hole. Example, Player 1 used on hole 1, Player 2 uses on hole 2, etc. Teams that use the ball throughout the 18 holes and don’t lose the colored ball, are entered into a prize drawing ($200 Prize Value)
- Prize Ticket Each golfer in a foursome that purchases a Passport gets one two-part ticket. One half of the ticket is placed in one of 3 buckets to win the prize associated with each bucket, the other part of the ticket is retained. Additional tickets are available at the 19th hole for $10.00. The numbers are drawn at the conclusion of the 19th hole.
Ball Drop ($20 each/ Cash only) - Available at golf registration and until 4 pm at 19th Hole Reception
Payout is 50/50. 50% goes to the chamber and the other 50% to the prize pool which is paid out 1st place, 50% of pool, 2nd place is 30% of pool and 3rd place is 20% of pool.
Event Sponsors

Date and Time
Monday Jun 24, 2024
9:30 AM - 5:00 PM CDT
9:30 am Registration Opens
11:00 am Shotgun Start
3:30 pm 19th Hold Reception Opens
This Event is held rain or shine
GOLFERS PRICING - Networking, Reception and Program - 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
$ 185 per golfer
$ 740 team of four
***This fee includes round of golf, cart, boxed lunch and 19th Hole Reception dinner
Registration is now closed.
Non Golfers:
$30 for members/ $35 for non-members
Registration is now closed
Contact Information
Bob Ruhland at 651-451-2266
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